Relais is a show for five dancers, the first – for twenty years now – that does not have digital technologies applied to dance as its protagonist. “Relais” resizes the presence of the information medium, the image and its projection, to bring attention back to the body, the material and its texture.
With this production Ariella Vidach wants to return to the concreteness of reality made up of things and people who communicate through volumes, shapes and above all through the sounds of matter.
“I wanted to return to the senses – declares Ariella Vidach – to smell and touch in particular, which have always been pursued and never really grasped in experimentation with virtual, augmented and immersive reality”.
On the pages of Il Sole 24 Ore, Marinella Guatterini defined it as follows: “Relais combines sounds with creaking fragments, but also moments of life, sensations of play, wonder, fleeting memories, unwanted oblivions, marked in the foreground by gestures and facial expressions […] “.
Direction Claudio Prati, Ariella Vidach
Choreography Ariella Vidach
Performer Annamaria Ajmone, Chiara Ameglio, Roberto Costa Augusto, Pieradolfo Ciulli, Els Smekens
Choreography assistantElena Molon
Shooting and video editing Antonella Spatti
Organization and press office Stefania Mangano and Giulia Basaglia
STmicroelectronics detection system Federico Lupica
Interactive sound design Andrea Giomi
Scenography and costumes Claudio Prati and Ariella Vidach
Supported by MiBAC – Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Regione Lombardia – Progetto NEXT 2012, Comune di Milano – Settore Spettacolo, Moda e Design e Comune di Milano – Settore Cultura, Teatro Convenzionato, Cantone Ticino D.E.C.S. Divisione Cultura, Swisslos, DAC Comune di Lugano (CH)