
The disputed relationship between human nature and artificial life, between biology and robotics, outlines the context of this performance which aims to explore and experience a hybrid dimension, a place inhabited by bodies with very different characteristics and able to coexist and activate uncommon perceptions. An environment built to instigate the viewer’s gaze towards perceptions of a divergent and contradictory reality, to probe deeply into human and digital nature.
Direction Claudio Prati, Ariella Vidach
Choreography and dance Ariella Vidach
Programming UR10 Ariella Vidach
Programming max/msp e audio Paolo Solcia
Light design Claudio Prati
Graphic programming vvvv Sebastiano Barbieri
Scenography Claudio Prati
Design UR10 Alessandro Mason
Costumes AiEP
Coproduction Ariella Vidach AiEP, Avventure in Elicottero Prodotti
Sponsor tecnico Universal Robots Italia