Dance performance

Corpomemoryis born starting from the observation on the permeability of the body with respect to the media, with a particular reference to the smartphone. A choreography that intercepts the hybrid and post-organic identity of the contemporary condition. A dance writing that works on penetrability and crossing of the body, from data flows and on the expansion of its boundaries.
In the hyper-connected and globalized world we live in, much of our quality of life depends on the quantity and quality of data to which we have access and which we must know how to process and use. Otherwise, without awareness and attention, we risk being overwhelmed and confused by the information that in our daily life we tend to accept automatically.
The research work in Corpomemory focuses on the role of the smartphone in the era of migration and smart cities, and on its function of building and collecting image archives, travel maps and emotional and biographical maps. In this case the technological device becomes a large shared and extended “memory” that allows personal narratives to be stored and displayed.
By connecting to the site spectators who have purchased the ticket will be able – only in the two weeks preceding and following and during the event itself – to access this information – to know the data, stories, experiences, fragments of life, personal data, the sounds and images of the performers and the production and to be able to actively participate by interacting with all the audiovisual elements of the performance.
The interactive system specially developed for Corpomemory is based on a portion of a program (patch) defined as “mobile direction” created with the vvvv software which, installed on a computer in the control room, allows the smartphones of all the spectators present in the room to be connected and to be able to send and receive texts , sounds and images, videoprojected, in large format and in a 360 ° immersive way, on the walls of the performative space. In Corpomemory the smartphone becomes a sharing tool that creates a system of relationships between spectators, performers and that allows you to build a sensitive environment outlined in features and aesthetics, through the elaboration of the choices made by the community.
During the event it is possible to establish a system of relations between the spectators who, through the texts that scroll on their mobile phone display and on the walls, can communicate with each other. The intimate and private sphere becomes public. The places of action multiply and displace in the fruition spaces through both a physical and online platform.
The words, projected simultaneously and in real time on smartphone screens and on the backdrops of the room, become sentences that, in this double “dimension” acquire a new meaning, sometimes purely casual and confused, sometimes very complete and precise. This transformation takes place by activating an option from the mobile control room which, through an algorithmic selection criterion, modifies and reconstructs the meaning of the projected texts.
The selection device becomes the new interlocutor that alters, destroys or recreates and ennobles the concepts transmitted by the viewer and that questions us about the effect of data transmigration and its ability to transform itself from a relationship tool, to an object of misunderstanding and discrimination.
Within this path, understood as the passage and alteration of information, the theme of performance develops, with a choreography that expands over time and space, suspends the indistinct flow of data, processes them and transforms them into visual language and sound.
Idea and direction Claudio Prati and Ariella Vidach
Choreography Ariella Vidach
Performer 5 danzatrici della Compagnia Ariella Vidach AiEP
Lights design Luca Tavaglione
Set designers to Claudio Prati
Programming vvvv Francesco Luzzana
Programming assistant Flavia Amato
AiEP Costumes
Co-production Avventure in Elicottero Prodotti CH / Ariella Vidach Aiep IT / DiDstudio IT
Supported by MIC / NEXT Regione Lombardia / Comune di Milano / DAC Comune di Lugano / DECS Divisione Cultura Canton Ticino/Swisslos