
This performance is about augmented reality and robotics, and offers a choreograph-ic experience that opens to multiple levels of sensory perceptions. The dancers get dismembered and multiplied within an unconventionally conceived space, mis-shaped by a repeatedly changing viewpoint, where a robot is placed on the stage and projects their digitally duplicated frames.
. A duet between the human being and his doppleganger, between man and robot, tells the full unsettling story of our present time, when in the attraction that compels towards progress in sci-ence and technology often seems to abide the threatening risk of loss of humanity. The movement unfolds its dance within a non-narrative context and turns the events to sensory experiences for the audience, that on getting themselves captured and projected on the stage walls, try their chance to face up with their alter ego.
Direction Claudio Prati, Ariella Vidach
Choreography Ariella Vidach
Performer Cecilia Borghese, Riccardo Ciarpella, Andrea Ginevra, Monika Lepisto, Mateo Mirdita, Kinui Oiwa, Giuseppe Paolicelli, Giulia Strambini with UR10 Universal Robot
Sound design and audio programming max/msp Paolo Solcia, Riccardo Santalucia and Alessandro Perini
Light design Stefano Pirandello
Graphic programming vvvv Sebastiano Barbieri
VR Giovanni Landi
Scenography Claudio Prati
Design UR10 GISTO – Alessandro Mason
Costumes Ariella Vidach e Claudio Prati in collaboration with Concetta Assennato /BdR
Dramaturgy Ariella Vidach, Claudio Prati and Enrico Pitozzi
Maitre/assistant to the choreography Anna Manes
Programming assistance UR10 Massimiliano Davi /Max Effects
Sponsor Universal Robots
Coproduction Avventure in Elicottero Prodotti, Ariella Vidach AiEP – LIS – Lugano in Scena, Balletto di Roma
Supported by Repubblica e Cantone Ticino – Fondo Swisslos, DAC Comune di Lugano, MiBAC Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Comune di Milano, Next / Regione Lombardia