Interpersonae intends to visualize the anxiety that pervades our society. Make visible the doubts, uncertainties, thoughts and criticalities that creep between people, amplifying the crisis and failure of our model of life.
The film begins with a complete reset of the four protagonists, a double man-woman couple, who are scanned and reformatted, as if they were hard drives. They experience an awakening that brings them closer to a recovery of their being, but only after the complete dissolution of their identity, will they be able to initiate the radical change.
There is no future in the film, but only here and now, where the four characters, immersed in a suspended reality, experience relationships in a very complex and contradictory present. After a few attempts to reconstruct values according to traditional models, the failure and disaster to which our lifestyle has brought us is evident to all. Two double interpreters and two worlds confront each other. Two different dimensions in search of a balance that is revealed through the delicate cognitive process. In a communication society like ours, the obvious paradox is that confrontation with the other is not possible if based solely on language. We find ourselves immersed in a contemporary babel of languages that hardly allows us to “understand” the words and ideas of the person in front of us. In this critical situation, the only tool capable of overcoming communication problems and offering another way to resist the impact of the crisis is the body, in this specific case the dancing body.
Direction Claudio Prati
Choreography Ariella Vidach
Script and lyrics Claudio Prati e Carlo Infante in collaboration with Daniele Bergamini
Performer Annamaria Aimone, Roberto Costa Augusto, Fabio Liberti, Marie Schmieder
Music Marco Tommaseo, Ezio Taeggi, Stefano Fumagalli
Video editing and post-production Federico Tentori (T-Session Milano)
Audio synchronization and post-production Bruno Morra (Showbiz Milano)
Photography and Light Director Karim Marcucci
HD footage Luciana Andreani, Federico Tentori
Costumes AiEP
Scenography Claudio Prati
Makeup Claudia Venere
Assistant director Antonella Spatti
For translations Thanks to Elena Molon, Anna Legueurlier, Nicole Ferrazzini, Roberto Costa Augusto
Thanks for the furniture DAGAD Milano
Production AiEP Avventure in Elicottero Prodotti and TSI Radiotelevisione svizzera
RSI Producer Walter Bortolotti
Distribution AiEP
Supported by DECS Divisione Cultura Cantone Ticino/Swisslos, DAC Città di Lugano, reteTASI Teatri Associati della Svizzera Italiana, Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali, Regione Lombardia, Comune di Milano