Minority Party

What does contemporary choreography mean in the era of new citizenships and globalization? Is it possible to conceive it without taking note of the differences of bodies, of the contamination between languages, of the new aesthetic scenarios? The work investigates the body and dance as a system of relationships, exploring the frontiers of language and traditions.
Direction Claudio Prati, Ariella Vidach
Choreography Ariella Vidach
Performer Ivelice Brown, Susannah Iheme, Cho Ju Hye, Masako Matsushita, Loredana Tarnovschi,
Programming max-msp Paolo Solcia, Francesco Luzzana, Nicola Bruno
Scenography and light design Claudio Prati
Costumes AiEP
Production 2019/ AiEP
Supported by Mibac, NEXT – Regione Lombardia, Comune di Milano, DAC Comune di Lugano