interactive motion detection

The performance develops around the themes of light and color. In a white scene, a universe of strong light contrasts comes to life, enriched by the shapes of bodies in continuous fading. Each performer becomes a kinetic display, a body that follows his impulse, evoking images, forming structures, drawings and numbers.

This production makes use of an interactive system that detects color as a simple communicator of data, allowing both the light and the dancer, through the position and movement in space, speed and acceleration, to compose the sound environment of the performance. , activating and mixing all the music tracks directly with your body.


Idea Claudio Prati and Ariella Vidach

Choreography Ariella Vidach and Claudio Prati

Performer Alessio Arnaldi, Stefano Cristofanello, Anna Kolesarova, Rebecca Pesce, Stefania Trivellin, Ariella Vidach

Motion tracking software IncromOrf Quarenghi

Audio interactive software Riccardo Mazza

ScenographyClaudio Prati

Light design Stefano Pirandello

Production AiEP, Avventure in Elicottero Prodotti

Costumes Susanna Baumgartner

Supported by D.E.C.S Divisione Cultura – Cantone Ticino, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Pro Helvetia – Fondazione svizzera per la cultura, Città di Lugano