VOXsolois an interactive performative action that creates a space/house/landscape where the performer reinvents the relationship with essential and alterable expressions such as voice, sounds, images. It is sought in the expressive richness of the human voice, in its evocative power which is given a key role in the dramaturgical development and which, in this flow of data, becomes an element of cohesion as well as a generator of images.
Idea and direction Ariella Vidach, Claudio Prati
Choreography and dance Ariella Vidach
Interaction and audio composition Paolo Solcia
Interaction and graphic composition Sebastiano Barbieri
Set design Claudio Prati
Costume Design AiEP
Production 2014 / Compagnia Ariella Vidach – AiEP
With the help of Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Comune di Milano, Regione Lombardia – Next Laboratorio Delle Idee, DECS Cantone Ticino, Swisslos, DAC Città Di Lugano